Webflow vs WordPress: Which One Is Better?

Webflow vs WordPress: Which One Is Better?

Webflow and WordPress are among the most popular website builders out there. Webflow is known for its innovative and simple drag-and-drop interface, while WordPress is known as the granddaddy of website creation. Which one is better, though? Making a fair judgment call can be challenging, with an infinity of pricing plans, features, and benefits.

We have highlighted essential aspects in this article to know which one is better for your next site.

Which One Is Better? Webflow vs. WordPress

Webflow and WordPress are site-building tools that make it easy for anyone to build a professional website. They use a content management system (CMS) that allows you to create, edit, and manage websites without codes. Also, you can use these tools to create a blog, portfolio, or even an eCommerce site.

Let's first understand the two platforms before going into deep detail.

What Is Webflow?

Webflow is a cloud-based SaaS platform for building websites. It has a visual drag and drop interface, so you don't need coding knowledge. Instead, you should pick the elements you want from your library and arrange them on the page.

It has a ton of templates for you to use, or you can start from scratch with a blank canvas. If you want to get creative, you can add custom CSS or JavaScript to create an immersive experience for you. Webflow was founded in 2013 and continues to become increasingly popular.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is open-source software for building websites. With WordPress, anyone can access the source code and change it as they please.

Over 43% of the top million websites, including the White House, use the platform, making it the most popular CMS today. WordPress was founded in 2003 and has seen explosive use throughout the years.

We can now go on and compare the two for you to have a better understanding of Webflow vs WordPress.

1. Ease of Use

When selecting a site builder, user-friendliness is among the top aspects to check. Most users want an accessible platform to help create and manage their sites without learning all the programming jargon.

Webflow Ease of Use

Designing your website is as simple as dragging and dropping elements, adding text and images, and connecting everything with links. In addition, you can choose from various pre-built templates, meaning therefore, you don't have to start from scratch—pick one that suits your needs.

With Webflow, you can use the visual editor to edit the templates and preview them as you would in a live browser. Webflow has an interface that may require a beginner to make some effort to understand its features. Otherwise, you'll get the hang of it quickly if you're a developer.

WordPress Ease of Use

WordPress is easy to use, but it's also powerful and flexible. Unfortunately, its many features can be a little overwhelming if you are a newbie. So it's good to dedicate some time to learning the ins and outs of WordPress, such as plugins, pages, and tags, among others.

The best part of WordPress is that it comes with a block editor to help you with the design. Also, you can add a drag-and-drop editing plugin such as Elementor to make your work easier.

The Verdict: Webflow is the winner since it does not have too many features and plugins. Although it needs some learning, you're good to hit the road once you understand how it works.

2. Pricing

Site builder pricing is also crucial when choosing which one is better for your next site without too much hassle. If you're starting your business, you might look for a cheaper option to test the waters first.

Webflow Pricing

Webflow has a free starter pack that allows you to create your website, but you will host it in their sub-domain.

It also has two paid plans:

  • Site plans: Site plans depend on the type of site you choose. With a site plan, you can use your domain name and select from basic CMS, business, or enterprise packs. The cheapest is the basic plan, which goes for $12 and is perfect for a simple site. CMS will be a good choice if you want a content-driven site or to start a blog. Otherwise, go for a business pack for high-traffic sites. Every site plan comes with additional features, hence enhanced functionality.
  • Workspace Plans: These are perfect if you're a freelancer or agency since it helps you manage multiple sites. It has a free starter plan, core, growth, and enterprise. The core plan is perfect for small teams with three seats and ten unhosted sites billed annually at $19. The growth pack is for growing groups with up to nine seats and unlimited unhosted sites billed annually at $49.
WordPress Pricing

WordPress software is free; you pay for hosting and the domain name. However, you'll have to pay for additional features such as premium themes and plugins.

You can create a simple website for only $5 a month (billed annually). In addition, WordPress Pro is excellent if you're looking for a more advanced option. It offers unlimited plugins, premium themes, and support at $15 (Billed yearly). You can also get WordPress VIP for enterprises starting from $2,000 per month.

The Verdict: It's clear that WordPress takes the lead in pricing. For as low as $5, you can set up a simple website if your budget is tight.

3. Ecommerce

With the world evolving rapidly, everyone is switching to online shopping. That's why it becomes crucial to have an excellent eCommerce platform if you're running a business that deals with selling products or services.

Webflow Ecommerce

The Webflow eCommerce section allows you to add products and a shopping cart. Its functionality is almost like any other e-commerce platform but has some limitations.

With Webflow, the products you sell depend on the plan you choose. In addition, Webflow cannot sell subscriptions and has fewer payment options.

The best side of Webflow eCommerce is that it offers a Webflow Designer feature you can use to customize your eCommerce pages.

WordPress Ecommerce

WordPress has a free plugin for eCommerce known as WooCommerce and is the best for building an online store. It's flexible and easy to use, especially for beginners. Also, it has vast designs and templates that you can customize to match your needs.

With WordPress, you can add as many products as possible without limitations. It also supports different payment methods. Furthermore, you can integrate WordPress with a POS (Point of Sale) system, but you can't do this with Webflow.

The verdict: WordPress eCommerce is the best since it offers advanced features such as POS integration and is more flexible than Webflow.

4. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Site visibility is essential for increasing site traffic. Besides having great content on your site, choosing an SEO-friendly website can help your site rank.

Webflow SEO

Webflow skips lots of loads since it uses HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, which are easy to clear. In turn, this makes the Webflow a lot faster. It also has mobile-friendly pages, which can make it rank high in search engines.

Furthermore, Webflow allows you to edit every page's meta description, title tag, and URL.

With an advanced payment package, you can activate auto-generate and submit a sitemap.

WordPress SEO

WordPress has a set of built-in SEO tools to boost the site's visibility. Also, you have the option of adding addons like Yoast SEO to increase content optimization.

In addition, using plugins can allow you to add meta descriptions and title tags, which helps increase your page optimization. It's also easy to change the appearance of your site on Google analytics and social media.

On top of this, you can move your WordPress site to another destination, and if you're careful enough, you'll be able to maintain its SEO.

The verdict: Webflow takes the victory in content optimization since all its SEO is in-built features that allow you to optimize content without using plugins. In addition, it has a clean code that allows fast load times. You only have to work on the on-page SEO to optimize your web pages.

5. Plugins

Adding other features to your web builder allows you to have many options that you can use to enhance your website.

Webflow Plugins

Webflow has fewer native plugins compared to WordPress. The add-ons may even feel foreign when using them since they are not designed to work with Webflow.

WordPress Plugins

WordPress comes with an enormous collection (over 59,000) of plugins and extensions that you can use to improve your site functionality. Some of these plugins are made to operate with the WordPress interface, but you'll have to pay a premium for them.

The verdict: WordPress has many plugins you can choose from that enable you to maximize your site's efficiency.

Build Your Website With Experts Today

Which One Is Better for Your Next Site? Both sites offer different functionality, so it depends on your website's needs. Although Webflow has made giant steps in the industry, it still has a long way to go to reach WordPress functionality. WordPress is the right site builder for you if you're a beginner. Otherwise, Webflow may be perfect for developers.

Are you thinking of creating a website for your business? Pait Digital is here to help you plan, create and manage a unique and SEO-friendly website. We are dedicated to creating sites with Webflow and have worked with companies such as Aspen.

Visit us online or you can also call us at 208-917-4084 to talk to our representatives.

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